Farming & Family: 31 days to learn more about the folk who grow our food
I saw a blogging friend post they were going to do the 31 days challenge...
my first thought was aww that's great...
can't wait to read what she writes.
My next thought was maybe I should do it too...
great way to really refocus and get into the blogging groove.
So I brainstormed for a while and decided to take the plunge!
For the next 31 days I am doing to post DAILY!!
My goal is to introduce you to 31 different farm families from across the country.
These families grow different crops, have different ideas and sometimes very different opinions
but they all share one common link...the food and fiber their family farm produces ends up on our dinner tables and our backs.
Each family has been asked the same series of 10 questions so that you can learn more about each family and their farm. Are you ready to learn about farms & the families that run them from all across this country???
Let's get started! Since it's easy we are going to start with our family.
1. Who are you & where are you located?
We are the Nance Family of Nance Farm. We are located in South Carolina.
Each family has been asked the same series of 10 questions so that you can learn more about each family and their farm. Are you ready to learn about farms & the families that run them from all across this country???
Let's get started! Since it's easy we are going to start with our family.
1. Who are you & where are you located?
We are the Nance Family of Nance Farm. We are located in South Carolina.
Wyatt, William, Caci & Waylon

Pop (Bill), Nana (Jane), & Rachel
2. How did your farm begin?
William & I are both the 10th generation in both families to be involved in production agriculture. We both knew early in life that we would return to the farm, I just didn't know it wouldn't be my family farm. William and I moved to his family farm after we were married and 15 days after we said "I DO" he and his dad started a dairy in addition to the existing farm.
3. What does your farm produce?
We are a diversified farm. We have a dairy, beef cattle and grow hay, small grains, and corn. Most of the grain grown on the farm is chopped for silage and used to feed our cattle. We do sell some hay to other local farmers when we have a surplus. 
4. What is the busiest time of year for your farm?
For us the majority of the year is fairly busy. Living in the southeast our growing season is extended so we are constantly planting one crop or harvesting another. Dairy cattle have to be milked twice a day, 365 days a year, so there is no down time. Fall is always a little more busy than most time since you add in preparing for colder weather, show season, kids activities, and school in addition to "normal" farm work.
5. How do younger generations help on the farm?
Our boys are 6 and 18 months. Many folks think that is too young to be truly helpful however both of our boys put those thoughts to rest quickly. Wyatt, our oldest, helps to feed baby calves, sort cows, and feed weaned calves in addition to collecting eggs, and feeding show stock. He is also becoming very helpful in the milk barn as he's finally tall enough to help dip cows coming into and going out of the milk barn.
Our youngest, Waylon, is still learning and discovering all the things there are to do on the farm. He loves to help his Daddy or Pop move cows into the milk lines, carry empty buckets, feed lambs, and bring you any tool you just might not be the right tool yet ;)
6. With all there is to do on a farm, are you involved off the farm?
Our family is very involved off the farm, in our church, our community, our son's school and in the agriculture sector as well. It can be difficult to juggle several volunteer commitments and the farm but with planning and support most things get done. We have learned quickly that those things in life you value you most you find a way to make time for them and the others get left behind.
7. What's your favorite activity to do together as a family on the farm
Hands down ours is checking and feeding cows. Yes it's cold, wet, hot, or just plain miserable sometimes but we always enjoy the company and are able to catch up. There is no interruption of television or hand held devices as many times there is no service in the pastures. It's time to be together as a family, discuss the significance of a particular cow, and to teach our children the love of agriculture they won't find on a screen or in a classroom.
8. Why is family important to your farm?
On our farm family is the most important thing behind our faith in God. Without our family, our generation would lose the ability to farm. Between access to farm land & rising prices in our area starting from bare bones is next to impossible. We are so thankful for the ability to come back home and pursue the lifestyle we love and without our family it would not have happened.
9. What's one thing you want non-farm families to know?
Everyday before you make breakfast or probably even roll over our family is up working to help produce the safest food we can for your family. Our milk ends us as products you purchase off the grocery store shelf, our beef ends up in your meat products. Everything we do is to help feed not only ourselves but our neighbors no matter how far you may be from us.
10. Do you have a blog, a farm Facebook page, twitter, etc where people can find out more about you and your farm?
Why yes, yes we do!
Twitter @SCFarmWife
I hope you enjoyed day 1. Use the hashtag #farmingandfamily and #31days to keep up with us on social media. Come back tomorrow and see who is tomorrow's farm family!
Until we meet again may God bless you and keep you.
I love this post and look forward to following along! Great idea!
ReplyDeleteJulie, thanks so much! Hope you enjoy all of our featured families throughout the month of October.