Farming & Family: The Little's

Welcome to day 19 of Farming & Family!  I can't believe we have made it this far!  I am truly amazed and thankful for all the farm & ranch families that have stepped up to make this idea a reality!  

Today's family is literally an hour north of our house.  How did we "meet" through a Facebook group of farm wives!  It's amazing how one program can connect people from all over the world and right in your back yard!  

1. Who are you and where are you located?

Brett, Jessica and our son, Luke Little.

We are Little Family Farm!
We are located in Denver, North Carolina.

2. How did your farm begin? 
Brett graduated NC State with a degree in livestock management and with some family land and his parents help, Brett got his first two chickens houses built and placed his first flock in June 2006. In 2009 Brett added 2 more houses making a total of 4 poultry houses.

I met Brett later that year (09) and fell in love with him and his farm! While I had no farm experience I loved learning, watching and riding along when I could!

3. What does your farm produce?

In one year we typically place 5 flocks in each house. So that’s a little over 500,000 chickens per year. We also have a small cow/ calf operation, 30 head. Which is my favorite on the farm. I prefer cows to chickens, but the chickens allow us to have cattle! Brett had 4 cows to his name when we met, so I have supported adding cattle to the farm, as they are my favorite!
4. What is the busiest time of year for your farm?
Spring, making hay and fertilizing fields, and calving in early spring. 

5. How do younger generations help on the farm?
As of right now we are the youngest generation on the farm. As our family grows we hope to incorporate them into farm life. 

6. With all there is to do on a farm, are you involved off the farm?

Brett also works for another farmer that is currently in the process of building a dairy, to start milking in December. His operation also includes corn, wheat and soybeans.

My husband works so hard so I can stay at home with our son.

7. What's your favorite activity to do together as a family on the farm?
We love going to check cows as a family! Our son, Luke, loves the cows! 

 But, I love working with them! Sale days are my favorite because we have to work the cows together, and there is just something about getting them up and working them through the panels and finally getting the ones you want on the trailer. We load up and head to the sale. It’s a special time to me, because its just me and my farmer and we are doing what we love, together. It is something simple, that not a lot of people could understand, unless you work cattle too.
8. Why is family important to your farm?

Brett’s family has made his dream of farming come true. Brett’s Grandfather (not pictured), Parents and Brother all work very hard to help in anyway they can. Whether its getting their hands dirty in the chicken houses or handling the books everything they do help make our Little Family Farm a reality and we are very thankful for them.

9. What's one thing you want non-farm families to know?
Many people have this idea about industrial farms that just isn’t correct. Although we produce high numbers of poultry we are still very much a family farm that cares about our animals! 

10. Do you have a blog, a farm Facebook page, twitter, etc where people can find out more about you and your farm?  
Not yet :( 

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