Mommy Monday: Cutting the apron strings...kinda
Our oldest is officially a cub scout.
A tiger cub to be exact and boy is he proud of it..
You see this Farmboy is following in the Farmer's footsteps.
For this momma though scouts has been a tough one and we are only 2 weeks in!!
I don't go to scouts with the Farmboy.
This is a him and Daddy thing.
So each Tuesday the Farmer hurries to finish milking in order to drive the boy to scouts.
It's tough because I am the one who carts the boys to and from activities.
It's tough because this boy is his mama's baby...(he's much more a mama's boy than our youngest).
It's also tough because I DON"T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!!
I'm a slight control freak...especially when it comes to scheduling.
So not knowing what is going on...
or what to plan for stresses me out.
But as with each new phase in life I'm learning...
learning to sit back and enjoy my time with the Farmbaby,
learning to not worry about things out of my control,
and learning to let my little boy get beyond my reach,
and explore the world without me.
It's a sad time
but exciting to see all the joy
scouts & some extra daddy time is bringing him.
Until we meet again...may God bless you & keep you!
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