Mommy Monday: Routines

Today is our first week back to a regular schedule since before Thanksgiving.  It's hard to get that routine established and get everyone in gear, well I should say to get Wyatt & I in gear because William has the same schedule 365 days a year (cows get milked twice a matter what day it is).

In the last few years we haven't had a formal routine for Wyatt to follow.  It's just been left up in the air, needless to say mornings at our house sometimes fell in to the crazy catergory.  Since he has gotten older and I am on an organizational kick I thought it would be a good idea for him and I to both have a more structured morning...this will help us get out the door faster and with less confusion (hopefully).  So I scoured Pinterest and blogs for ideas that I liked.  I found my favorite at IHeart Organizing

Here is what the routine looks like


I love that the routine has pictures to go with the words which is great for my 4 year old who can't read yet.  Now we don't necessarily do all these things in order but I have laminated the sheet and he checks them off as he does them...knowing that he can't check off the bus until everything else is done!  I was amazed at how quickly he got things done this morning even though we didn't get up on time!  Thanks to Jen for giving away this printable... I have to mention that she has many many more great ones on the freebies page as well and if you prefer she can always custom make something for you in her Etsy Shop!

Now how do I stay on task in the mornings?  Well that is a little different!  I am a list girl and I need list...there is just something extra satisfying about the visual reminder of checking something off the list.  And for me as tech savvy as I am I must hand write this list for it to be effective...reminders in my phone or alerts from my calender just get dismissed but list get looked at and reviewed multiple times throughout the day!  I found a wonderful freebie (through Pinterest of course) over at Money Saving Mom.  The site gives you 2 options of a download call a Daily Docket.  One is filled in for you and the other is customizable.  I actually chose to go with the one that is filled in and just white out the items I didn't need.  It has worked great for me because this form gives me a place to write my To-Do list in a categorized way.  With a general to-do, blogging, daily chores, shopping list, dinner, ministry, and much more I am able to jot down everything on one sheet instead of a thousand sticky notes!  I love this printable!  So that is how we are starting out our year to gain control of our morning chaos...what about you?  How ware you attempting to organize and simplify your life? 

Until Next Time...


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