Making a difference

As I write this I am sitting in Myrtle Beach, SC at the South Carolina Farm Bureau annual meeting.  My family and I have been here since yesterday evening.  We have had the opportunity to visit with friends and discuss important topics affecting agriculture.  Expanding our understanding of how various legislation affects different farmers in all parts of our state.   

William and I spent most of the day working at the Golf Tournament to raise money for the Ag in the Classroom program.  The girls on our committee congregated around one hole and watched to see if anyone made a hole in one and the boys did the same on a different hole.  It was a great time visiting with fellow farm wives and just relaxing.  After the majority of the golfers had played through I headed to the Silent Auction to help bring in items and enter information into the computer for the ladies.  I am happy to say we have some wonderful items being auctioned off the rest of the meeting.  

All the things we have done in the last 24 hours have been to benefit agriculture in one way or another.
We have worked to raise money in order to fund education programs, we have worked to give back to an organization that has given us wonderful opportunities to travel and network, to expand our leadership skills and to develop life long friendships.  

I guess the best thing to say is for the last 24 hours the South Carolina Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher committee has worked to make a difference in how people view agriculture.  

So what did you do today to make a difference?

Until next time---


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