Week in Review

Last week was Halloween and I forgot to share some shots from the end of Oct. 
We had a great time catching up with friends and enjoying some much needed downtime.
Here is our little cowpoke and his rustled up cow at the Fall Festival in Downtown 

Future Rodeo Champion trick-or-treating

The cowpoke, Tigger, and a Vampire hanging out Halloween Night

So onto this week.  It has still been about settling back into our "new" old routine. 
Since little man dropped preschool like a hot potato we have had to readjust...
well we are attempting.

You see I take this little guy to the dairy each morning
before I head to my 8-5.  That wouldn't be such an issue if
the barn was on my way...which it isn't...
actually I drive past my office to deliver the wild one...
It's about 20 minutes one way from our house to the barn...
then another 10-15 minutes back to the office...
so in the grand scheme of things I should be leaving my house by 7:20 each morning
to make it to work on time
that doesn't happen...anyways we will get there
maybe one...hopefully

moving on to the rest of the week.
of course with time change it has been a booger to get all the calves & sheep checked
during the day light hours...but somehow we manage

these critters are vital to our farm so we make sure they are fed, watered, and cared for daily.
Thank heavens that during the fall/winter William's grandfather checks cows in the morning
and lets me know if he needs anything.  One night this week I had to go find our one hired hand...
he was on the highway pulling the hay baler back from the field...
this wouldn't have been a problem but our baler doesn't have
lights so...I crept along at snails pace with my flasher on

so little man quit started Mommy School...it has been interesting
even though i am an educator it is hard planning lessons for your own child...
you know their interest and their needs (which should make it easy) but I also know
what he dislikes and still have to make him complete his work.

This week has been all about the letter A, apples, the number 7 and the shape square
we have been practicing writing our letter and number
even worked on graphing!
picking out square items...which by the way explaining to a 3 year old that a
square bale isn't really a square can be difficult
and frustrating
we have also been working on some fine motor skills

Even daddy has had a chance to get in on some of the school work action

and on Monday I celebrated my 29th birthday...
(really I did....i am not stuck in my 20's like some people i know)

We are gearing up for a fun weekend of play dates and shoe box decorating.
One last thing...thanks to all our Veterans...it was you who have made it possible for my
dreams to come true!!!  Thanks!!!

Until Next time---

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  1. So happy to see Millie in her new home with her buddies. How are things working out? I think it it is great that little man is home schooling for awhile. Every child is different and when it is time, you and he will know. Beautiful farm and family. Do you sell anything to individuals from your farm which may be a good reason to stop by and say hi to Millie and the fam? From Millie's old family, Debra Oliver (debdiego03@yahoo.com)
