Happy New Year from SC!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all a very blessed New Year.  The new year has started off very COLD.  The little man and I have stayed close to the house however the hubby has been facing the blistering cold for days.  Now yes I realize that those of you living in places like South Dakota think we are wimps but its all about what you are climatized too and we are use to 40's and 50's at this time of year instead when we woke up this morning it was 12 not factoring in the windchill!   I do believe our cows were giving ice cream this morning!

On the 2nd day of the year Hubby took Little Man and Reba (our new Texas heeler) and fed cows in various pastures across 2 counties.  This is pretty much an all day process leaving just enough time to milk twice!  Upon arriving home we still had to put out hay here and feed up our calves and sheep..not too bad of a job but it was a cold job. 

On the 3rd day of the year Hubby milked in the coldest temps of the season! As he tried to wash up he discovered that the water was freezing in the pipes and just to add insult to injury he learned the hot water heater was broken!  I don't know about your part of the world but on Sundays in the South there aren't many places open that carry a dairy sized water heater!  Hopefully all will be fixed in the next 30 minutes but you never know whats gonna happen next. 

The Little Man and I are getting ready to attempt to water all of the stock here.  The pasture calves are out completely so its either the waterhoses work our we are hauling buckets!  We have a busy week ahead of us as I go back to work, Hubby goes back to the Stockyard on Tuesday, Little man gets back on his calf feeding routine and I head for the American Farm Buereau Federation Convention in Seattle on Friday! 

We have laid out some New Year's Resolutions for this year and the farm...
1.  Design a new farm plan that includes a processing component
2.  Finally have the much needed discussion on generational transfers
3.  Expand our feeder calf enterprise
4. Learn to make Artisan Cheese to sell at local markets

And last but not least utilize our blog more efficiently in the future! 

Again we wish you and your family a Blessed New Year!

The Nance's

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