4 Farmkids

A little over 2 weeks ago our family was blessed with our newest addition.  
Sweet #Farmgirl2...she came into the world at 8 lbs and 10 oz and 18.5" long.  
Everyone in the family is over the moon about sweet baby Cora Clark.
For the Farmer & I we entered a new parenting realm...3 kids 4 & under.  

While the Farmer and I have always dreamed of having a "big" family for years we were sure if that would happen for us.  We tried for just over 2 years to get our oldest and then it took 5 long, stressful years to get our 2nd.  After that we have been blessed with 2 more rather quickly.  

Each of our children are a blessing with vastly different personalities.  God is working on me to learn how to appropriately handle each of them.  I have found that I need to spend more time digging into God's word and being reminded of how patience, gracious, loving and forgiving he has been to me so that I may try to emulate those characteristics to my children.  

I struggle most with our oldest at the moment.  At 9 he's testing new boundaries and gaining a bit of an attitude that I imagine will be very different from his younger siblings.  He is so much like the Farmer...not only in looks but in attitude and actions.  He is tenderhearted and compassionate...which means that he takes your words to heart in a very different way from our younger ones.  As a parent some days I struggle to find the best way to speak to him so that he understands my expectations and not feel like I am belittling him.  Prayer goes a long way in case you are wondering...I'm working on being more purposeful in my prayer life and spending time daily in prayer for each of our children.  

So what about those 3 that are 4 and under...well I'd be lying if I didn't admit that it's hard and some days are harder than others.  It's mentally and physically hard.  I'm thankful for dear friends that get it and who have been willing to help by bringing a meal, offering to babysit or just willing to chat when I've had my fill of PBS kids for the day.  

While our 4 year old goes to preschool 3 hours a day 5 days a week that doesn't always make life easier as I feel like the first half of my day is spent driving up and down the road.  Delivering kids to school, running errands and loading and unloading the car.  All and all he has honestly adjusted wonderfully to having a new baby sister and loves her dearly.  He's a helpful and joyful little man who just needs a few hours outside each day to make life grand.

Our big Farmgirl is loving being a big sister which is a huge relief cause let's be honest...she was the baby...she was the only girl...and she is slightly spoiled ;) While she does adore her baby sister, she has quickly learned if Momma is nursing she has a chance to get into things.  In just 12 short days...only 9 of which I've been home...our sweet farmgirl has

1. Attempted to make playdoh by empty out all the flour and salt
2. Cleaned our toliet...with my good conditioner
3. Emptied about a gallon of water onto the bathroom floor
4. Used more wipes than it would take to clean up 100 cows
5. Emptied chips, cookies and pretezels into her tummy and the floor
6. Hidden my glasses and my phone
7. Reorganized my wallet, the diaper bag, her room and her brother's room
8. Used the dining table as a dance floor
9. Stolen cokes and convinced her brothers to open them for her
10. Attempted to wash dishes

and I could go on but you get the idea...and while yes some of these things she did before she became a big sister (see number 8) they have magnified in intensity.  I suppose this is her way of acting out...which again has sent me to the Lord in prayer.  

Even as I type this she is peaking around the kitchen cabinets while she "cleans" them with more baby wipes...at least they are clean right ;) 

What about that newborn we brought into this chaos...well she's the easy one.
Typically she stays where I put her.
Her request are simple...a clean bottom and milk to drink.
She naps like a champ and loves to cuddle.
She becoming more alert throughout the day and her favorite time to play is bedtime.  

Everyone keeps asking how I am doing...to be honest pretty darn good I think.  We are making it to school each day, food is on the table and the kids are somewhat clean.  I get to shower on most days and have even managed to go shopping with the 3 youngest in tow more than once.  I'm loving being at home with the kids and dream daily about being a Stay-at-home-mom.  And even though I know that is probably not going to happen right now...I am soaking up the moments, laughing through the tears (cried over liquid gold spills), and being present for each one of our kids.   

I realize there is a good deal of rambling in this post.  So if you made it all the way through...
How did your family adjust to having a new addition?  Leave your answer in the comments.

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