Flats Challenge 2017: Why, oh Why?

So who in their right mind would volunteer to use only cloth diapers and hand-wash for an entire week??  This girl!!

For the last 4 years I have signed up to do the flats & hand-washing challenge.  Each year for a different reason.  You can read about my previous experiences here.   

Just a quick bit about the challenge...for 7 days participants agree to use only flat diapers with covers and wash them by hand.  The idea is to show that anyone in any situation can cloth diaper.  Why is it important?  Research shows 1 in 3 families struggle to afford diapers for their children.  Flats are an easy and cheap way to diaper.  
 You can read all about the challenge and other participants here.

So why did I decide to do another year of the challenge?

I have 3 reasons.

1. I love a challenge.  This year's challenge is upped as I have a very heavy wetter and I'm 24 weeks pregnant with number 4.  

2.  I have gotten into the rut of buying disposable diapers which is crazy since we have been cding for 9 years.  This is the push I need to get back to cloth diapering.

3.  We are trying to downsize.  Flats take up the least amount of space and honestly are the fastest to use.  So with this challenge I am finally saying goodbye to most of my all in ones and my microfiber inserts.  

Have you ever used cloth diapers?  Why or Why not??


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