#MilkSteps Monday: From Moo to You

It's the first Monday in June!  
Why does that excite me?  
Well June is Dairy Month...an entire month celebrating... 
dairy farms, dairy cows, & delicious dairy products!

Which makes me think have you ever thought about all the steps that it takes 
to get milk from the cow to your fridge?

Today I'm not talking about the "how" but the actual steps...
you know like the ones you take to go to the pool or do a load of laundry...
yes I'm talking how many steps a farmer takes in a day around the farm.

I'm not on the farm full time but my Fitbit always knows when I am because I log a lot more steps than I do at my office job....I mean like 3-4 times more than normal and the farmer well he puts me to shame daily on step counts.

According to various studies the average American takes just over 5,000 steps a day.  That is only half of the 10,000 recommended daily steps.   The farmer averages about 20,000 steps a day!  That is 4 times the number of steps the average American takes!  And let's not mention that he has racked up more than 40,000 steps multiple times in the last few weeks since we have began baling hay and cutting silage.  

These numbers also explain his lean build and his "bottomless pit" appetite.  
The farmer's steps are just accounting for one person on one farm.  That doesn't include the number of steps associated with feeding calves, washing up, or hauling milk.

Each step taken helps to ensure that our cows and calves are provided the best care and that you are provided high quality, wholesome, nutritious dairy products!

So I'm curious how many steps do you take on a normal day?

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