Mommy Moments

Welcome back to day 5 in the Write 31 days challenge.
This series is all about my life as a farm wife.

You can see all the 31 day post here.

Today we are talking Mommy Moments..
everyone has them...
sometimes they are overwhelming and emotional,
sometimes they are joyful...
it all depends.

I had a Mommy Moment on Friday.
You see Friday I took the day off work,
Farmboy skipped school and we all went to a cow show.
Now you can say what you wish but this is a very educational experience for kids.
BTW I'm not looking to debate that topic as a former classroom teacher I feel qualified to determine what I feel are valuable learning experiences for my children.  

So back to Friday,
Farmboy, Farmgirl and I left home before dawn and headed to the show.
The Farmer and Farmboy2 milked cows and came up later.
We fed the heifers who had been taken to the show the day before,
cleaned up after them,
washed each of them,
cleaned water buckets,
and rebedded them all before 9 a.m.

Farmboy was so excited to be at the show doing something he loves.
He took his calf Orene for a walk which turned into a romp around the ring.
The change in the weather had all his heifers wanting to kick up their heels.

I have to say on Friday I saw what a young man he was becoming.
He is so much like his daddy,
which amazes and saddens me all at the same time.
You see I am saddened because I'm not ready for him to grow up.
I'm not ready for him to say he doesn't need me.

I am amazed because if he becomes half of the man his daddy is 
he will make some young lady very happy.

So today I will spend time in prayer...
not only for our friends suffering from devastating floods but for our family...
specifically for the future spouses of our children.  

Until we meet again may God bless you real good!


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