Farming & Family: The Plagge's

Welcome to day 8 of our Farming and Family feature!  I can't believe I have actually prepared a post for 7 days straight!!  Ok...honestly I didn't have to do much.  These amazing farm families have done most of the work for me.  Everyday I get a new email with a family sharing their farm story.  It's great to read about these farms!  So let's check out today's farm family from Iowa!

1. Who are you and where are you located?
My name is Val Plagge and I farm with my husband Ian in North Central Iowa where we raise corn, soybeans, pigs and kids!
Displaying 7.3.14 Family Photo.jpg

2. How did your farm begin?
 Ian and I are 5th generation farmers.  Ian built his first set of hog barns when we were in college and returned home to his family's farm full-time after graduating.  We married eight months later.  For the first few years of our marriage I helped on the farm on a part-time basis and worked full-time off the farm.  I have now been home on the farm for almost four years.

3. What does your farm produce?
We raise corn and soybeans, as well as finish hogs.

4. What is the busiest time of year on your farm?
Right now!  Fall harvest is definitely the busiest time of year for us.  It takes a whole crew to combine, haul the grain, dry and store the grain, and take care of the hogs.

5. How do younger generations help on the farm?
We have a 3 1/2 year old son and a 16 month old daughter who love helping out on the farm anyway possible.  They are out in the field with us daily during harvest learning the tricks of the trade.

6. Are you involved off the farm?
 I don't have an off-farm job but do find it important to volunteer in our local community through church, 4-H, Make-A-Wish, Chamber of Commerce, Farm Bureau, etc.

7. What's your favorite activity to do together (as a family) on the farm?
Our family's favorite activity to do on the farm is pick up rocks...  No, I'm kidding.  Someday I'm sure our kids will dread being told to pick up rocks, just like I did growing up.  We love being together at harvest time.  Like I mentioned before, we are all in the field together between tractors and the combine.

8. Why is family important to your farm?
It is very important to Ian and I that we are the 5th generation to farm in our families.  We work hard to make sure that opportunity is there for our kids, the 6th generation.  I actually just recently wrote a little post about this that you can check out:

9. What's the one thing you want non-farm families to know?
Farming truly is a full-time job.  We don't have sick days and have to work holidays.  The job has to be done everyday.  And while there are days you are really tired and wish you could just have the day off, you remember everyone and everything depending on you and you find strength or help to get the job done for the day.  Farming is a business and lifestyle that I feel very fortunate to be in.

10. Do you have a blog, farm Facebook page, Twitter, etc, where people can learn more about you and your farm?
       Twitter:  @PlaggeVal

A big thank you to the Plagge Family for sharing about their farm. If you have a question for them please feel free to leave it in the comments or visit them on their blog.

Until next time...may God bless you & keep you.


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