My Flat Stash

This lil farm baby can really wreak havoc on some diapers...he's rough and tuff and loves to get dirty.  

Yesterday was the beginning of the Flats Challenge from Dirty Diaper Laundry and overall it went fairly well. I love trying out different folds but know that if I want to fully participate then I have to make it easy for my MIL and the Farmer.  So for times with the Farm Baby isn't with me I stuff my pocket diapers with flats.  

So this is one of my favorite men with a 'stache...couldn't help myself :) 

Mustaches of the American West
Baxter Black courtesy of

So what's in my 'stash??

This the majority of our stash.  
About a dozen flat diapers,
10 flour sack towels (not all pictured)
and 6 receiving blankets.

I am using the Gerber flats you can purchase at Wal-Mart.  Mainly because my goal is to show others that you can use what is readily available locally.  Many folks on a tight budget don't have the means to order stuff I wanted to use diapers that you could get locally.  Now that can't be said for most of my covers.  But later this week I will be sharing how I made my fleece covers!

For covers we have 2 fleece covers (at the moment a few more are still on the machine),
6 econobum one size covers I got on a seconds sale at CottonBabies (less than $30 for all)
4 Mother-Ease covers I got from a friend.
1 Pro-Wrap (that is pushing the too small side)
& 2 LiteWrap covers (which are my favorite)

We also have 3-4 pocket diapers in rotation for others to use.  
I am also using snappis to secure my folds.  

My entire stash costed me around $100 however that has been over time not all at once.  The flats themselves cost $12, the flour sack towels about $10 and the receiving blankets where gifts we received.  The rest of my money is in covers.  All of these covers except the Econobum have been used on multiple kids.  

Needless to say we have lots of covers...but this little farm boy makes lots of messes so he get's changed often.  

He loves
 playing with the new kitten which includes 
emptying the poor things food and water bowls multiple times each day...

Climbing gates to get to the horses, after crawling through the red dirt...

plus this week he will be in and out of the silage field helping to harvest feed for our dairy cattle. 

Are you interested in knowing more about the Flats Challenge?? Check out Dirty Diaper Laundry for more info and the rules!   

Until we meet again...


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