Thin Down Thursday

So this week has been CRAZY!  Last Thursday night I got called to judge a show on Saturday about 4 hours away in Georgia.  William and I made a quick decision to for me to do it, which means that I had to shuffle a million things around.  Wyatt birthday was Friday and I had to leave that evening to head south.  Sad day for this mommy!  But I was able to take off from the 8-5 and get things done for his party, thankfully it wasn't until Sunday. I was ecstatic because the show was located south of one of the town's I grew up in and they just happen to have the world's greatest bakery!!

Here I am in front of my favorite place.  It's sad but I was giddy with excitement over this place.  And a big shout out to my sister's bff for grabbing some bear claws on Friday just in case I couldn't make it before Saturday's closing time.

I was even kind enough to bring the boys home some yummy treats!  And I introduced my good friend Beth to this indulgence!  (Thanks Beth for tackling a road trip with me.)

 I got home Saturday evening and hit the ground running with party plans.  Sunday was a day full of decorating and celebrating the birthday boy.  You can check out all the party details from this post

 Tuesday morning it started snowing, really I had to walk my oldest into school in the SNOW!! Needless to say he got out early I however stayed at the office until 5.  I did run out before it got too bad and got William's birthday gift because his is Sunday.  It snowed and snowed and snowed some more.

  It finally stopped yesterday afternoon.

So what does all that have to do with my weight loss program?? Nothing for those more dedicated and full of willpower but for me a lot.  

I have been tempted, stressed, busy, and off schedule, so how did I do??

I maintained!! 
No chart this week but everything is the same.  
Since we will see close to 70's next week I hope to get back in routine.

Until then enjoy this picture of me savoring my favorite treat in the world!  


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