Mommy Monday

Today is Monday- you know that awful day when you wake up and realize its back to work...ugh its always been funny to me how far Monday is from Friday but how close Friday is to Monday...but anyways...

So some of you may remember back in January I started Good Morning Girls study in Ephesians- now to be honest I have been terrible at keeping up with the reading and the SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer).  It's not that I don't want to but I forget continuously and if I don't forget, I put it off saying I'll do it later and well we all know...later never gets here.  This morning I was almost 2 full weeks behind but thankfully each week is only a few verses so I can easily catch up but when I don't read and focus on the small verses daily I feel that I am missing out on many of the important things God is trying to tell me.  I am happy to say as of now I am officially caught up and hope to finish out the next 2 weeks without forgetting or putting off.  I am going to schedule it on my calender...maybe that will help.

I took this weekend as a break, no obligations, official workouts, or big to-do list.  Saturday began with Wyatt and Mommy cuddle time and then we made semi-homemade doughnuts.

They were "licious" according to lil man.  We finally were able to sit down and watch some good Saturday morning cartoons together without having to rush out and run errands or go somewhere. 

 We got some playtime in with Joe-Joe, Mollie, & Millie (our cowdogs).  

As I was cleaning up I ran across my Granny's recipe binder.  I thought that the only recipes in there were ones that she cut out of magazines, flyers, etc  

I was shocked and delighted to discover that there were a good many handwritten recipes, including Red Velvet Cake, Bread & Butter Pickles, and many more! 

 I love the worn, stained recipes that bring back fond memories of my childhood growing up next door.    I can't wait to make these for my family.  

Saturday afternoon Wyatt & I went fishing.  The lil man caught a good sized brim within 5 minutes of his 1st cast...
Then a 2nd one just a short while later...

Once we fished the upper pond we took a ride to the lower pond and on the way we saw a nice flock of turkeys which Wyatt immediately wanted to hunt!

We also started working on our raised beds (pictures to come).  We have 4-5 beds depending on how we put them together.  Right now we only have 1 about halfway done...hopefully we can work on them some more tonight.  Ideally we will plant by the end of the week.  I have some great ideas for our garden and play area from Pinterest of course!

I also plan to break out the sewing machine again soon...especially since Brandy will soon be scheduling a photo shoot in which I will be supply custom made clothing for the kiddos.  I have lots of ideas on what these outfits will look like.  But first I want to make something for lil' man and myself, since it always seems like I sew for everyone but us.  My plan for me is either a new dress or skirt for spring from one of ICandy's tutorials.  For lil man it will be something an appliqued Easter shirt or new shorts for summer.  

I have lots of plans to enjoy this upcoming weekend as well...because after it my life goes back to normal.  From the last weekend of March through the 1st weekend of May I have something on my calendar each weekend...from my bestfriend's wedding (Yay!!) to conferences, livestock shows, and 4-H events...not to mention work.  

So until next time--


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  1. Nice post. You might like this cartoon about "doing it later".
